Grafana: gRPC

What metrics are included in the gRPC dashboard?

Here is a raintank snapshot to what you will see after navigating to the gRPC dashboard.

Metric Name Description
Client Request Rate Average gRPC client side request per second by Open Match API methods
Server Request Rate Average gRPC server side request per second by Open Match API methods
gRPC Error Rate Ratio of gRPC calls that returned an non-OK status code by Open Match methods
Network IO per second Total network I/O rate per second
Bytes Sent per Call: openmatch.{Component}/{MethodName} Average bytes sent per call by quantile
Bytes Received per Call: openmatch.{Component}/{MethodName} Average bytes received per call by quantile
Client RTT: openmatch.{Component}/{MethodName} Average roundtrip latency by quantile

Last modified January 18, 2024